Posts from the ‘Worship’ Category

The Lost Get Found, by Britt Nicole

I LOVE this acoustic version of The Lost Get Found, by Britt Nicole. Enjoy!

Delirious?–Inside, Outside

My Savior, My God-By Aaron Shust

I’ve heard this song many a time on the radio, but just recently figured out who the artist was…it’s Aaron Shust!  Take a listen…Click!

I’ve also added it to my “Vod-pod” videos which are located in my sidebar at the very bottom!  🙂 

Mary Worship

I’m sort of in a rut, and thought I’d re-post a few things I wrote a few months ago.  Hope you all don’t mind!  Hopefully I’ll be able shake this “writer’s block” soon and come up with something fresh! Enjoy!  

About ten years ago, I went on a mission trip to France. While there I visited a few Roman Catholic Cathedrals. I visited Notre Dame, the Sacre Coeur, and a few other cathedrals in Lyon and Marseilles. Although the architecture is beautiful and breathtaking, one major impression that I walked away with was the striking prominence of Mary. Whenever I walked into one of these cathedrals my first impression was always drawn toward the altar, where most likely there was a huge statue of Mary??? Yes, Mary! Not Jesus! In one cathedral in Lyon, Mary was the main focal point of the altar. And in this cathedral they had several prayer rooms. One such prayer room was dedicated to Mary. It was full of icons and statues of Mary. The prominence of Mary was oppressive and distracting, to say the least. There is really no other way to describe it, but as Mary worship.

Although Mary has always been a central part of the Catholic faith, in the US, it seems that Mary has not quite reached the elevated state that she assumes in other countries. Catholicism in the United States is a watered down version of what Catholicism is in Europe and South America. Many Americans see Catholicism as an acceptable and benign alternative to protestantism. This is a dangerous assumption. This does not mean that one cannot be truly saved and still be Catholic. I am sure there are many saved Catholics. However, it seems that even in the U.S. overt Mary worship is taking over as well. In recent years there has been a movement to make Mary the co-redemptrix with Christ. In simple terms, the doctrine of Coredemptrix, gives Mary the same redeeming power that Jesus Christ possesses. She is described as the advocated and redeemer, along with Jesus! In an article, published in 1985, Pope John Paul II said this about Mary, “May, Mary our Protectress, the COREDEMPTRIX, to whom we offer our prayer with great outpouring, make our desire generously correspond to the desire of the Redeemer.” And again he also said, “Mary is the model follower of Christ. More than any Christian, she prays for us, she mediates Christ for us, she sacrifices and suffers with Christ, our Redeemer. She is our Advocate, Mediatrix, and Coredemptrix. These roles all flow from Jesus Christ and are all subordinate to him.” To say that all these things are subordinate to Jesus seems like a contradiction to the term “Coredemptrix“. To be “co” means to be “with”, which would contradict that Mary’s role is subordinate to Jesus (but that gets me off the subject). It doesn’t really matter if Mary is equal or subordinate to Jesus in her role at redeemer, the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the only redeemer and advocate for the human soul! The doctrine of Coredemptrix is another gospel; a perversion of the saving Gospel that we read about in scripture. See Col. 1:14-18, Heb. 4:14-16

Alistair Begg Talks About Suffering

I really appreciate Alistair Begg’s ministry! I wish we lived near his church so we could attend there! But since that isn’t possible, I’ll have to settle for his radio broadcasts. Alistair recently underwent surgery to remove his prostate due to prostate cancer which has resulted in a lengthy recovery. In this short sermon, “Sweet Fruit From A Thorny Tree“, he relates what he has learned through his suffering. It is worth a listen! Also, you need to listen to find out why he can now relate to all women who’ve had c-sections (including myself, as I’ve endured two c-sections)!